Monday, March 8, 2010

There's that damn singing again

But this time, it's the angels. I am sitting in my TV room, watching "Lambing Live" on BBC2*, and I just finished the ribbing on the Ivy League Vest. And then I tried it on.

It's perfect. I am stunned at how well it turned out. And hey, that gauge thing? Totally works.

Now I just have to weave in 452 ends, sew down some steeks and block that baby. Maybe I can wear it on Wednesday...

* All week, live lambing (if we're lucky) at 8:00 pm. And if nobody's lambing (like tonight), there are little vignettes about bottle feeding lambs and breeding and feeding. Even sheep ultrasounds. A fibertarian's dream program, even if they do discount interest in wool breeds**.
** BFL's are described as "soft" because they have to live in the barn, not out on the hills in the Yorkshire Dales. Pussies...


Carmen said...


Sarah said...

Can't wait to see it finished. I have the neckband and one armband to do.