Monday, July 11, 2011

TdF Yarn #2 and a Rest Day

My second TdF project was/is 1.5 lbs of Romney from Hello Yarn.

Timber prepped

So I started in on the spinning. And I spun. And spun. And spun. And all my bobbins were filling up, and it didn't really feel like I was getting anywhere. Here's a photographic rundown of multiple days of spinning:

Day 5:

TdF Day 5

Day 6:

TdF Day 6

Day 7:

Timber bobbin 3, Day 7

By Friday I was over the Neverending Romneying. Over. It. So after I finished that third bobbin, I totally jumped ship, threw the plying maiden on the wheel, and banged out this.

TdF break yarn

Corriedale singles

1.5 hours, 227 yds/4 oz of my first attempt at thick and thin singles. The fiber is Amy's Corriedale in the "Twenty Ten" colorway (from my 4 Oz Challenge prize last fall). Fun colors, quick yarn, end product is soft and squishy. Love it.

And then it was back to the Romney, Day 9:

TdF day 9

Today is a rest day, and so far I have: read on the porch with the girls.


Played with (and bathed) the dog.


Gone raspberry picking.



Made raspberry chocolate chip ice cream.


As yet, there has been no spinning. I suspect that won't last, as I'm on a tear to get all these singles done so I can start the neverending plying. The extra special good news is that I've cracked open the last bag of fiber, so the end is in sight!

Now I just have to decide what's going to be next...

1 comment:

Carmen said...

Well, next is a shipemtn of raspberry chocoloate chip icecream to moi. :D


YArn looks great, not as lovey as the girlies, but quite close.