Friday, October 29, 2010

Bollocks, I did it again

T = minus 28 hours to finished costume

The Pros: I only have to make one costume (Snow White), because Boo is vacillating back and forth between going as Ariel or Cinderella, both of which we already have.

The Cons: it's Friday, costume needs to be done by teatime tomorrow when we go to M and T's house to carve pumpkins, eat sugar, and imbibe copious amounts of adult beverages (with their parents that is, not the girls), and I am absolutely shattered by several days of ~6 hrs sleep, getting up before dawn* and getting everyone back on to the whole school/work continuum. This ought to be an interesting evening night.

Xmas merino-silk

I have been doing a wee bit of spinning as well - onto the second bobbin of merino/silk for a Christmas present, but my stellar walking skills*** have made the wheel a less appealing tool. However, I need to get this yarn done ASAP (like, by the end of next week), so I may have to SIUC**** and treadle through the pain. Ahhhh...the sacrifices I make for my family and my wool!

* which, to be fair, is pretty late** these days. But it still sucks to have to get out of bed when it's dark.
** 7:48 am this morning. Crap. We're practically leaving the house before dawn! WTF is up with that?
*** I turned my ankle walking down a perfectly reasonable sidewalk two weeks ago today, and it's still swollen and bugging me*****. Ehem.
**** Suck it up, cupcake. Or buttercup, if you prefer.
***** Speaking of which, anyone irritated by excessive footnoting yet?

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