Wednesday, August 5, 2009

July's events

So the month of July was a very very busy one around here. We got back from one vacation, got ready for another, and in between I did a bit of spinning, knitting and pattern releasing. Here's the update.

Air, merino/tencel

Maillot Jaune socks
Flip (not actually knit, but finally photographed and blogged about)
2 hr handspun hat
Ethereal (this has to be my fastest ever turnaround from fiber to yarn to FO)

Four Tour de France sock patterns released as test versions. Those free versions have now been deactivated, and I'm hoping to have the for sale versions up in the next week or so.
Inaugural UK dyeing of some silk yarn in my new £10 crock pot (not blogged yet)

We're staring down the barrel of yet another trip - back to the States for a family wedding - so posting may be thin for the next little while. Rest assured, things are happening, even if this little corner of the internets is quiet for a bit.

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